Welcome to St Edmund’s Catholic Church in Bury St Edmunds
We are a friendly Catholic community who welcome others to join us in our worship and service of God.
We hope that you will find this website useful and that it will help you encounter Jesus Christ who is our life.
Alpha Course
Starts Monday 17 March
During Lent and into Eastertide, the parish will be running an Alpha course held at St Benedict’s School on Monday evenings from 19.00 until 21.00. This is open to all - longstanding Catholics as much as people new to Catholicism or the Christian faith. Each meeting starts with a simple meal of soup, bread, fruit and cake. We then watch a video presentation and have small group discussions. Each group will be facilitated by a leader. Click below to find out course dates and register.
Parish Pilgrimage to Rome
13-17 September 2025
To mark the Jubilee Year and its theme of ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, we are organising a parish pilgrimage to Rome in September.
Price is £1,320 per person based on sharing a twin/double room on a half board basis. Single rooms are available at a supplement of £160. Price includes the return flights, accommodation, all transport while in Italy, services of a professional tour guide, gratuities and entrance fees.
Click below to find out the proposed itinerary for the pilgrimage.
Places must be booked by 3 March 2025 and secured with a £250 per person deposit.
To Book
Click below to go to Pilgrimage People’s website. Once there select BOOK from the menu. Then use the drop-down box to select Italy as your destination. Then use the dates drop-down box to select St Edmund’s Catholic Parish 13/0/25-17/09/25).
Bury Teens
Bury Teens is our recently started youth group for the parish, open to all in Years 9, 10 and 11. Meeting once a month in the crypt on Saturdays from 19.00 until 21.00, each session will include a meal together, lots of fun activities and chance to socialise, and some prayer. Participants need to be registered by their parents/guardian before their first attendance. Registration forms can be downloaded here. For more information email buryteens@gmail.com
Bethany Bereavement Support Service
Most of us will suffer bereavement at some point in our lives. Our parish runs a bereavement support programme which has been described as ‘a journey from heartbreak to hope.’
The Bethany Team offers support for anyone (all faiths and none) who is over the age of 18 years old and living in the Bury St Edmunds area.
The team offers individual and group sessions to support someone through the stages of grief and bereavement and will suggest other services as needed.
St Josephine Bakhita
Feast Day: 8 February
St Josephine Bakhita is the patron saint of victims of human trafficking and modern slavery. There are 50 million victims of human trafficking across the world and as many as 5,000 in the Diocese, hidden in plain sight in your neighbourhood. Pope Francis describes human trafficking as “blood money” and a “crime against humanity”. We are all called to combat this evil trade. To find out more and what you can do click the button below.
Praying for Peace
There seems to be so much conflict going on around the world and sometimes, albeit on a much smaller scale, even within our own lives. As Christians, we are particularly sensitive to conflicts taking place in the Holy Land of Jesus’ birth and it is terrible to see the plight of the people of Gaza, as well as witnessing the terror attacks on those who live in Israel. As people living in Europe, it is shocking to see another European country engaged in such a long and brutal war with Russia. Each Wednesday, after Mass, we pray before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and ask for peace in our world. You can join us in person, or online using the parish’s live stream, or simply use the prayers provided here to pray at home whenever you can.
Retrouvaille is the name of a programme designed to help heal and renew marriages. It all began in 1977 as a French language weekend for couples in Canada who were experiencing difficulties in their marriage. The word ‘Retrouvaille’ simply means ‘rediscovery’ and the programme offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your partner, and a loving relationship in your marriage. Retrouvaille now offers support and a lifeline for married couples facing difficulties in the UK and elsewhere around the world.
A Dementia Friendly Parish
A number of parishioners recently completed a dementia awareness course as our first step in ensuring that we are a dementia friendly parish. The five key takeaways seem obvious, but they challenge how we often think about dementia: (1) that dementia is not a natural part of ageing; (2) that dementia is caused by diseases of the brain; (3) that dementia is not just about losing your memory - it can affect thinking, communication and completing everyday tasks; (4) that it is possible to live well with dementia; and (5) that there is more to a person than the dementia.