Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) meets every other month and supports the Parish Priest in his leadership of the parish. We consider all aspects of the life of our parish and are an additional means of communication between parishioners and the parish clergy.
PPC members are elected for a three-year term and can serve a maximum of two terms consecutively. The officers of the PPC are then elected by members of the Council.
Each September the parish holds an Annual General Meeting open to all parishioners at which reports from the PPC and Finance Committee are provided. This is a chance for parishioners to engage with the direction our our parish mission.
If you wish the PPC to discuss an issue you are welcome to approach members of the Council directly or send your item to the parish office ahead of a meeting.
Meetings Scheduled for 2024:
11 January, 14 March, 9 May (Open), 11 July, 15 September (AGM) and 14 November
Mark Shakespeare
Geraldine McKeag
Maree Reilly
Thomas Austin
Pamela Bailey
RoseMarie Counihan
Jane Harper
Nicky Trask