The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens us to take up our role as full members of the Church by witnessing to God's love in our words and deeds. Candidates are enriched with the sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit: given wisdom and understanding, right judgement and courage, knowledge and reverence; filled with the spirit of wonder and awe in God's presence. Confirmation is celebrated during Mass, usually by a bishop, who imposes his hands on the candidates' heads and then anoints them with Chrism on their foreheads, saying: "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Confirmation is administered to baptised Catholics who are in Year 9 or above. We have begun our preparation programme for Confirmation in 2024 now. A new programme will begin in the autumn.
For adult Catholics who are seeking Confirmation, please contact the parish office so we can discuss the best way forward.