Children’s Liturgy
Children of all ages and their families are very welcome at all and any of the services at St Edmund’s Church.
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 10.30 Mass we have a Children’s Liturgy. Parents are encourage to register their children for this as they come into church.
At the beginning of the Mass the priest invites the children to come forward to collect their Book of God’s Word and their banner and process through the body of the church to our Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Once there, a team of catechists lead the children through their own prayers for the start of Mass, readings and intercessions.
The children then rejoin the main body of the church as the bread and wine are brought forward to the high altar. They bring with them items they have made based around the theme of that week’s readings.
At the end of Mass, the priest invites the children to come again to the front, where they can choose a percussion instrument or a ribbon and join in with the joy and festivity of the final hymn.
The Chlldren’s Liturgy Team also run a number of very popular activities for young families throughout the year, based around the liturgical calendar.
October: Night of Lights as a more positive alternative to halloween.
December: Decorating the church Christmas tree together and hunting for Jesus (and chocolate).
Christmas Eve: the children help lead our first Mass of Christmas by telling the Christmas story and creating a living crib.
February: Pancakes & Prayers - a way to get ready for the discipline of Lent by having a fun party together and thinking about what the new season might bring.
And more . . .
Keep an eye out on our weekly newsletter for children’s and family based activities.
All are always welcome!