Exploring Catholicism
You may be just at the beginning of your journey into finding out more about the Church, what she teaches and what it is like to live as a Catholic.
You might be well travelled along this road and feel you would like to join the Church.
You might already be a Catholic and simply want to deepen your faith and knowledge.
Whatever your situation you are welcome to this website and always welcome at St Edmund’s Church.
Going to Mass
A good starting point to finding out more about Catholicism is simply to go to a Mass. There you will see first hand the diverse nature of parishioners, from all walks of life and across the world.
It can seem a little bit daunting joining a community at worship for the first time, especially if you are new to church-going altogether. The reality is that every parish is a mixture of Catholics, non-Catholics, people discovering faith for the first time and people who have lived their faith their whole lives. You won’t stand out. Hopefully, you will feel welcome.
To help you follow the Mass, look out for an Order of Mass card or something similar on the way into the church, or download one here.
Starting to Pray
When the Anglican convert to Catholicism, St John Henry Newman, was made a cardinal in 1879 he chose for his motto the phrase: ‘Heart speaks unto Heart’.
These words of another saint, St Francis de Sales, inspired Newman to encourage others to take seriously their lives of prayer and reflection.
In this heart to heart contact, God gently reveals to us his call that we become holy. Holiness in this life is expressed in some definite service, as Newman would say: in a practical way of living our lives with generosity and love.
If you’re not sure where to begin with prayer, why not try out some of these online resources.
Discovering More
There are some great resources online which will tell you more about the Catholic Church. We’ve added some suggestions of what we think are worthwhile below.
It’s advisable always to use links from trusted websites to guide your research, as sadly there is also some less than honest and not always accurate content out there.
When you’re ready, you could join a Catholic Alpha course, Journey in Faith, or RCIA in your local parish.
Many parishes also offer bible study, days of recollection, and talks during Lent or Advent.
Click below to see what St Edmund’s is currently offering.