Live Simply Award
As part of our response to Pope Francis’ call for us all to be better stewards of creation, St Edmund’s parish has started working towards achieving the Live Simply Award.
This award, granted by CAFOD, involves us as a community and as individuals demonstrating that we have made some efforts to live ‘greener’ lives in solidarity with those most in need.
Our first parish project is to support St Edmund’s School in creating a Prayer Garden by the end of May this year. The school have designated a fenced plot (6.1 by 4.23 metres) and donated a beautiful statue of Mary. The children will be invited to plant seeds to produce some lovely blue flowers.
The parish needs volunteers to prepare the ground work and build a small grotto for the statue. We also hope to do a little fundraising to help cover the costs of this project.
Once the work is finished we will have a blessing service in the garden open to all. It will then become a space for prayer and reflection for children at school and for parishioners at other times in the year.
We will work on the garden over a weekend, so as not to disturb the school day. If you could offer your time, talent and creative ideas, please contact Phyllis (
If you would like to join a steering group to help us identify other projects that could help us on our way to the Live Simply Award, again please get in touch with Phyllis.